
Look once,
and turn away that glance.
Some of the living
can be invisible.
See her matted white hair,
the torn clothes,
and the limp,
dragging on the burden
of her ageing body.
Does it make you sick?
Guilty, sad or angry?
Do you agree it's unfair,
that while you sit,
in your cushioned car,
smoking your cigarette at a signal,
she, half nauseous, half crazy,
begs around for a glass of water?
You, the one who gave her a shove,
spat at her, and told her to get lost,
I'm sure you treat your mother
the very same way.
With sadness, anger and guilt.
And you, the one who watches her,
from the corner of your eye,
shedding uncontrollable tears,
under your designer glasses,
and chooses to write about
this despicable world once again,
your words lack courage,
for you choose to see,
and do nothing,
Except to go back
to your air conditioned desk,
and redeem your soul,
hoping once you let it out,
her face will disappear, and you shall
drown in your futile words,
coming up clean.


Vessel of Mercy said…
I as a writer have tried to write about this too but the words that came to me would not have done justice to the subject.
Really like what is done here.

Our efforts are in opposite directions. They trying so hard to make us see them. We try so hard not to.
madelyn said…
I always see everyone.
I touch everyone. I do my best.
The picture is harrowing and
i can tell you have a good heart
to put this into words to
shake all the people who ignore
our family ....

the world is our family.
dharmabum said…
this is painful
Vessel of Mercy said…
On second read, I find this poem indefinite.
A picture is a painted of the ugliness of poverty but another emerges that denounces well being.The first character in the automobile shows an indifferent attitude and is faulted, the second shows an empathetic and sensitive attitude, yet is equally faulted, perhaps for wearing a designer glasses while feeling bad about the plight of the poor.
As can be seen in these words:
"while you sit,
smoking your cigarette at a signal,
she, half nauseous, half crazy,
begs around for a glass of water"
"And you, the one who watches her,
from the corner of your eye,
shedding uncontrollable tears,
"Except to go back

What would be right and just?
Madhuri Shinde said…
At least you bothered to write so that somebody can read and feel the pain, but there are people who not only ignore but treat the less privileged like dogs.

I would not analyze further coz it will be an unending story...keep it up buddy...
Anonymous said…
I read this every time I drop by your blog. Shatters my shell.

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