The Hairband (2)

I dreamt of you last night, 

With long hair tied in a ponytail. 

You followed me around

On a dark forest road, 

Watching me like a hawk. 

And when I fell down 

In a muddy ditch, 

My clothes sullied and brown, 

You offered me your hand, 

Asking me if I was okay. 

"What are you doing here?"

I demanded, knowing very well

That you had been protecting me

All along under the garb of being aloof. 

"I told you, I'm always right behind you,"

You said, as I held your hand to climb out. 

I looked at your hair again. 

It was much longer than I've ever seen. 

You looked so different now, 

Not the shy man I had known before. 

"Where's your hairband now? "

I asked, remembering the only time

I had seen you in it, when my heart

Had stopped to find you so beautiful, 

Like a hushed breath that never makes a sound. 

"Do you still think I'm sexy?" you asked. 

"I think you are even more sexier than before, "

I answered coquettishly with a laugh. 

I woke up and thought of you again. 

The memory of your eyes keeping me warm. 

I don't know when I'll see you again, 

All I know is you have changed. 

But I have changed too. 

I don't question why you don't meet my gaze. 

It's because I can spot myself in you, 

And then you will have nothing to hide. 

Someday, I wish you grow your hair again, 

Someday, I hope you ask me how I've been. 

Till then, I know you're just right behind, 

Watching over me if I ever fall down. 


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