Conversations about God

"Why are your knees bruised? "

"I was praying... "

"In the middle of the night? "


"Which God listens to your prayers so late in the night? "

"My God. "

"What's his name? "

"Maybe it's a her. But no, actually it is a he. He comes to me every night. He touches my head and fondles it. He holds my face in his hands and comforts me. "

"Why your knees? "

"I kneel for him. To make him happy. So that he never doubts how dutiful I am towards him. "

"Dutiful? God doesn't want that. God loves all his children, irrespective of how they are"

"I'm special to him. He kneels for me too. In the night. I make him happy, and he makes me happy. "

"How does he make you happy? "

"By reaching the core of me. He touches me with his hands and his mouth. "

"What core?"

"The one only he is allowed to see. "

"You mean the real you? "

"I mean all of me. I'm saving myself for my God. And he's saving himself for me. We belong to each other, and no one else. "

"Does he also call you God? "

"I'm his Goddess, and he's my God. "

"Why? "

"Because we bring out the goodness in each other. Godliness. We revere each other. "

"What else do you do? "

"We swim all night. In seas, rivers, lakes and waterfalls... "

"Swim? Together? "

"Yes, we swim together. He swims in me, I swim in him. I look at his eyes in the moonlight, he looks at mine. I climb peaks, and he falls into valleys. And there we find bliss. Heavenly bliss meant only for Gods, not humans. "

"Is he real or are you making this shit up? "

"He's real. I'm real. We just live in a different reality. "

"What does he say to you? "

"He says nothing. I say nothing. We don't need words. "

"How do you communicate? "

"With our energy. He is water, warm and changing, I am earth, endless and stable. "

"So you guys make a mess? "

"We make a glorious mess. At the end of every night, he leaves promising to come back. "

"What if he doesn't? "

"He always will. I trust him. He trusts me. People cannot break us or our trust. He believes in me, I believe in him. We weren't always like this. It took a long time. But now we are inseperable. "

"How many nights will this go on? "

"Till eternity. We are bound forever. We don't need anyone else. We are the beginning of the universe, and its end. "

"What about everyone else? "

"We are the neutrons. Everyone else are protons or electrons. "

"So you are not going to get attached to anyone? "


"What about your knees? Why don't you heal them before you go down on your knees again? "

"They don't need healing. Our minds do. Our souls do. The bodies are just a channel. "

"A channel for? "

"Infinite love. And bliss. For union. "

"Are you in union with your God? "

"We have always been in union. Distance is an illusion. So is time. We have always been one. "

"How did you recognise your God? "

"From his eyes. They were the same as mine. I was God, and he was me. We are the same soul."

"Final question. Are you happy? "



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