Head in the Clouds

The windows pushed open,
that's how the day starts,
Then a cup of tea,
a look at the sky
azure, white,
shaded, sometimes not,
to the toes,
like a warm blanket.

These days,
I see a girl,
with screams
of delight,
zooming past
with joined hands,
cutting across
the clouds.

Never used to see
her before,
but now,
almost everyday,
I smile at her,
and start my day
with a trip
up dreamy lane.

And she warns me,
not to waste my time
too much,
pay heed to the
morning clock,
I promise to watch
her stride
the next day.
And she never fails
to be there,
never clouded
by reality
or drenched by
of change.


Madhuri Shinde said…
The joy of freedom at last:)
How do we know said…
i like that girl..keep her there, and do say hello for me :-)
Trailady said…
Wow- I could SOOOOO relate to this poem!! Sometimes I have to fight to remember who I am. I totally get what you are saying here. :o)
sophie said…
oh i just loved this - it was
like a little....muse
getting your heart all whirling


i love the pretty green of
your template.
QUASAR9 said…
Hi there,
nice blog!

Quasar is my blog name, and yours
"Tell me no more of enchanted days"

Writing is a good exercise, it gives a chance to gather thoughts, sometimes scrambled thoughts, and sometimes spontaneous inspiration flows. Like everything worth doing it is worth doing right.

It enables us to capture the moment
It enables us to look back in time
It enables us to move forward, and
to develop, to keep going, or to move on... but never standing still

Sometimes we need visit other blogs to see what is going on, what is being written, what is being said - sometimes we are inspired, sometimes we are struck dumb, but always we open up new doors and places to comment on...

Where we leave comments, sometimes brings return visitors who inspire us to go on
How do we know said…
hey.. a bloggers meet in Bbay? just the idea i was looking for!! How soon can we have it??
Wriju said…
She might be my little unspoken wish of running away and doing just what I feel.
I can watch her and feel happy for her.

I am such a fan of your writing :-)

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