
Showing posts from December, 2021

Loop de Loop

  "Have you ever thought about dying?" "But everyone has to die no?" "No, I mean..." "You mean killing myself?" "Yes." "I have thought about it many times, but not like seriously. Just once." "And then?" "And then I realised how stupid it was. To have your whole life in front of you and want to give it up for a failure." "But there are people..." "I don't judge them. I can't even imagine how it must feel. Depression is no joke. It's a dark place that has no windows and no exits. Maybe that seems like the only way out" "Maybe sometimes death seems better than living. Living is suffering, it's so pointless." "I agree with you. Living is pointless. It just is. It's a choice. Living is a choice. Some people don't get that choice. Illness, war, accidents. Some people want to live but can't." "So if living is a choice, why can't death be


  No no we don't die, yes we multiply....

Three States

  Steam or vapour  Is and is not. You catch it for an illusion, And it's gone. So you question  Yourself, did I imagine it? No, I didn't. It was here a minute ago. Maybe it's because I tried to define that What isn't tangible, what isn't expressed, What isn't documented or measured, What is shapeshifting and unstable Like an undecided, chaotic compound. But it isn't vague, you see. It's science. It's the temperature, It's the heat that makes it disappear, Naked and invisible to the appearance. Turn down the heat, it will be back around. Freeze up your motivations, And watch it become a stinging hurtful mess, Proud and unshakeable, cold words That get caught in its cowardly throat. I prefer the one I can touch, The red thread that never breaks, Only stretches and pulls. Soft, flowy and delightful salt drops. Trickling from my hair to my neck. Escaping from my sorry eyes, Completing a long journey to my broken mouth.


  This is an invocation For Union, Kintsugi for broken parts Of the soul, fragments Of old wars, old friends Held captive for treason, For rebellion, for dissent. Prisoners of reform,  You are now free. I ask you to form an alliance With our former party, Original ideas that need  Once again to merge. We had our disagreements, I was the stubborn old emperor, Iron handed and fascist, Cloud beard drowning in soup, I threw you in the dungeons, I was wrong. We need more opinions, Democratic voices we must pronounce. You can now decree. I will welcome you With fancy parades and golden flags, We will march forward into a new dawn. I am sorry for my demeanour, I apologize for all that I did wrong. We are all equal now,  We will sit together at the conference, Sing our collective anthem and Form egalitarian treaties that benefit all. This is a call for the highest union. I will scoop the broken pieces I will bow my head to your thorns.