
Showing posts from December, 2006
The New You Read this quote in the paper. It was by Gregory David Roberts, author of Shantaram . He said, "The biggest change in my life was the realisation that I had to take responsibility. Responsibility for my actions, and responsibility for my family." I thought I had to put this down here because this is something I completely believe in. Maturity comes only with acceptance and responsibility. You can't blame anyone for anything that's gone wrong in your life. It doesn't mean that you blame yourself. It only means that sooner or later, you'll have to understand why it happened to you. On this note, here's to a fresh year full of magic, adventure, travel, health, love, prosperity and responsibility. Happy New Year to all of you! P.S: I'm quitting smoking. What's your resolution?
The Morning Has Changed White sea, frivolous foam, over a dirty brown syrup. Coffee with a sprinkle of cinnamon was never my preference. I always liked my cup of tea, the way it was, strong, clear, strained, golden glow, with a slice of pungent ginger to get my kicks. Coffee is beautiful, sensual like a fairy world, but the awakening is disappointing, leaving behind the smell of lost dreams. My tea, is reality, grounded, yet deep and sublime only for those who prefer to leave the frills aside and look for substance. You are confusion, swirling waves, looking to churn and churn for time immemorial, Leaving it all aside, hurling in hedonism, people, noise, excitement. I'm steady, century old pebble at the bottom of a passionate river, tempestous above, quiet below. Don't offer me waves anymore, I've lived inside that life once. Can you give me a promise of refreshing water, depth, crystal clear ideas of brilliance? I don't like coffee, I never will. There's a reason w
Remembering You A.C, It's been long since I dedicated a post to you. It's been months since I saw you, or spoke to you. Of course, I couldn't have you. I was never your kind of girl, and I have no bitterness towards you anymore. You're married, and out of my league. I don't cry or crave for you anymore. I have moved on, and fallen in love all over again. But I miss you, as a friend, I miss my undying passion for you, looking at you and feeling breathless, that crazy, intense love that destroys and burns. Today morning, I was remembering our conversations, our seemingly similar tastes in everything, talking about Art, about books, wanting to watch the same movies, quoting the same lines from Dylan, at the same time... I remember that night at Gateway, when you knew every jazz piece that was played, at the lake where we stood without touching - only watching the stars, watching Harry Potter with you when we were high.... You never let me come too close to you, like a
The Echo I turned off the radio, and stopped the running bath, To hear it sing. 'What do you sing, my blue songbird?" I asked it, and it answered in a scolding chirp, "Why do you assume I always sing? Why are you humans so judgemental? Do you not think, a bird could talk?" I got a little scared, like a child under a mother's scolding thumb. "It makes easy, bird, to believe some things are uniform, A bird sings, an ant is always diligent, the sun always bright, the peacock vain, and the snake evil." The bird sighed, "Haven't I talked to you before, when you were a child? Have you forgotten how we live, now you think and see me only with human eyes, superficial and self centered. Listen again, I'm not singing, I'm discussing autumn and the cold, and my young, and my food, and the wound on my wing." I listened again, and I heard the stories that I knew years ago. I opened my eyes and saw the world and myself, looking at the world in t
Lessons in purpose There is great strength in weakness, many paths achieved through drifting, a good many dreams lost and gained in tears. There's nothing wrong in feeling confused or unloved for a moment. Only a ride of dizziness on a roller coaster, Getting down, laughing at your own fears, of heights and speed, Thankful for the experience of knowing how much you can endure, and come out smiling, at the ups and downs you apprehended just seconds ago.