
Showing posts from October, 2007


Social life - Zero Love life - Zero Sex life - Zero (1..9, 10 months..uh oh..embarassing ) Work life - Full steam Vactions in sight - Zero Birthday plans - Zero New Year plans - Zero Status with one in love with: Indifferent His plans: Marrying gf, beautiful but dimwit, inarticulate, frigid cow My course of action: Wait and watch the fun! My thoughts right now: I should not be writing these meanies Beers in fridge: Two Worries: Money running out: a. Massive home loan EMIs b. One year's electricity bill pending Looks at present: Smashing, no wrinkles yet! Health plans: Zero Exercise plans: Minimal Hours of sleep each night: 6 hours Shopping plans: Zero Investment plans: Zero Future plans for the year to come: Zero State of mind: Seriously, blissfully happy (no sarcasm intended)!

Autumn Sun

Wrapped in a fading sky, a dash of colour to the moon but subtle and sublime, not flamboyant or emotional Going down without remorse, going cold without bitterness, the sense of loss, is non existent here Invoking no ivory sentiments, no flowery verses of awe, no desire to inspire, no expectations from day Lingering into the void, slowly and gently, the job is done in this life, it's time to hide away Tomorrow, wake with a mild fog haze, break the confusions gathered before Appreciate it, when the nights get longer...

Return to Oz

Ten years had passed, And it was time to revisit the place where anything is possible. In a dream last night, I went back to where I forgot my innocence, a belief that magic exists where stars fall from the sky and lunch boxes hang from trees, where belief itself makes a heroine out of a village girl and red shoes can open doors towards home. It still exists, I realized, The password Was there in memory, and once again I retrieved both, Lost myself during day, Found myself in the intangible night.