
Like flowers in the breeze,
just like coming down on a swing,
the wetness in a mouth,
the churning of a stomach,
and the gradual awakening
from a beautiful dream.

Then the rising up,
looking at the sky,
feeling one's fingers
almost touch the white clouds.
The sudden shoot
from a whisper to a touch,
Leaving a lingering
haunting, melodious feeling
that the world
is a folk song
and a mortal soul
the slow strumming
of a guitar,
picking off lost pieces,
creating a masterpiece,
in seconds, then lost in time.

(I owe this one to my friend M, who I have mentioned in my blog before, and who lends me strange moments of inspiration on the terrace! M asked me that if I didn't know sugar was meant to be 'sweet', and one didn't know what sweet meant, how would one describe it how it felt to eat it? This one is for her.)


Madhuri Shinde said…
'Sweetness' beautifully described...but this brings to my mind another thought...things mean so much when we don't know what they are. The term 'Sugar' becomes so philosophical and a thing to explore when we don't know its taste, otherwise it's so insignificant.

May be this applies to many more things. Good work Munno:)
madelyn said…
this has such an "otherwordly" feeling to
it -
floating towards something...or someone...

i love when a loved one plays the piano or
guitar for me - it is such an expression of
love in a very intimate way...

and re describing sugar...sugar is soooo
beautiful - but to describe anything is
difficult -

so you could describe it's texture -
or the way it dissolves rather slowly -
how your taste buds dont' tingle but
seem to melt with it...

it's like exactly what poetry is
(and you write so very beautifully)

poetry is describing emotions -
in a way that someone else can
connect to YOUR feeling of it...

GREAT post!!

Anonymous said…
real meaning is experience - what is possibly not known is the word, but once the experience is owned, the word is only as useful to explain the experience.

If I never experienced the swing...

PS: loved the near paradox of "is a folk song / and a mortal soul"
Anonymous said…
Will look forward to how the dice rolls. Yes, I wish we had some more time - but a virus had other plans. Will be in touch through emails and such.

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