The Collector

Monet - The River
Is it time to move on yet?
And does one do it easy,
Do I throw the old flowers out,
or let the new ones in?
For a handicapped nostalgic,
I think it should be pretty simple,
Gently take out last year's photos,
Think twice before filling up the album,
But then look, we were smiling near the sea,
and I would rather hide it somewhere
than tear or burn it.
What if tomorrow, the future tumbles,
and the album remains empty?
At least the tattered remains
of yesteryear
will help provide
cold, harsh metal crutches
for the handicap
and warm, alive tears
for the nostalgia
of the photo collector,
who loves to take stock
year after year.


Anonymous said…
Is a picture not an illusion... a moment in time of the river filled with the debris of our lives? A parody on it's very face. It conveys nothing but the subjective attributes given to it by the viewer. Fleeting even of the past...painting only on the canvas the colors we want it to be.
Anonymous said…
““…-no girl had ever moved me with a story of spiritual suffering and so beautifully her soul showing out radiant as an angel wandering in hell and the hell the selfsame streets I’d roamed in watching, watching for someone just like her and never dreaming the darkness and the mystery and eventuality of our meeting in eternity,”~Carkken Cajou
A Arora said…
Neo: The picture is a moment in time, how can it be an illusion? A moment in memory is more real than the moment realised. And of course it is subjective, it has to be. The colors we choose create our own very masterpieces. It doesn't matter whether they appear so to the world or not. Thanks for the Cajou quote. It reminds me of one from 'Portrait of the Artist..'. Will share it with you soon.
jugni said…
photo albums have always scared me.. they chronicle and that could be dangerous.

someone i know once said, there are two kinds of writings that are read-worthy. one that makes you think, "gosh i just thought of this, but couldn't imagine it spelt out like that!"
and the other that makes you gasp and say why didn't i think of this?
that's exactly what I'm saying right now. :)
A Arora said…
:) u flatter me way too much be honest, i don't think and write at all, i just feel. and then ppl come and see so many things in it, that i had not even intended. and then i go back and read again n think, yes, it does mean all this. in fact, i'm the one who gasps, n says, why didn't i think of this? and that's exactly what i'm saying right now... :P
thanks for ur views isha... half of the times, i don't even know what i'm writing. it's like being in a fever really, n when u come out, u realise u've got dark circles. bad analogy, but something like that...

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