The Left Sided Pain

It comes and goes,
like a precarious fever,
and when it hits
the spot it targets
so smoothly,
you wince
for a second,
the needle prick
that produces
a surprise,
but when released
there's nothing
but a miniscule spot
and the relief
to survive
unprepared memory.


jugni said…
"unprepared memory"

A Arora said…
Blow: Thanks dear..i tried to access ur blog, but can't. apptly i need an invitation. want to send me one?
jugni said…
sure, would love to. :)
jugni said…
oh yea.. i need your email ID for that.. the one you use for blogger. you can mail it to me at
RubyShooZ said…
I know this well and been there. Change is possible and there are shreds of hope somewhere inside us if only we'd look and see.

Evocative imagery!

Peace, love and understanding.

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