The Matrix Revolution

I have to write this down. It's bursting inside me and I can not hold it inside anymore.
I'm breaking the pattern, I'm getting out of the system.
The 'agents' cannot fool me anymore, the code is broken, and I see that they are just clones of the same manipulative force.
I always thought one could never get out. But that was before Neo came into the picture. Neo never falters, he never gives up, he believes in purity...not because he is the Chosen One, but becaus he believes he is the Chosen One. And belief can move mountains.
So when I fear to be trapped and die like Trinity, Neo says he can save me. Not because he's a product of Amercan sci-fi cinema.
But only because as he says, "Honey, I'm a hacker. I know how to break into any system."
And Trinity believes he can....


Madhuri Shinde said…
Neo meanns 'New'...good. There is always life beneath death:)
Belief can move mountains - so can earthquakes methinks, maybe belief creates earthquakes as well..

Incidently Neo is an anagram of ONE...for some reason I've always felt there is a religious conspiracy theory in this whole Matrix trilogy
A Arora said…
Maddy: I know Neo means new :)but new can also mean a revival of the dead, not necessarily, something utterly different...

Jolly: Replied on ur page...
Anonymous said…
For most of the first one of the trilogy I got a feeling that this was from the universal body of knowledge that was prevalent before organized religion came into being and along with that they have picked up philosophies from Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism....well packed into a movie with the context of the future.
jugni said…
the problem with the matrix according to me is the unquestioning belief it places in the "one"... why must we create more and more gods? doesn't this world have enough of em already?
A Arora said…
Blow: One is a very powerful number, and belief in the 'one' makes it easier to blame someone completely if things go wrong...gods are never enough...the world loves a destroys the fear of mortality...
jugni said…
exactly.. even if i were to believe in the "one"... the world has created so many ultimate singularities that it would be difficult to believe in just "one"

however, I'd pick a hero over a god any day. unfortunately in the matrix that line blurs quite a bit. and the worst bit is, it seems to blur intentionally and fully aware of it's folly.
Anonymous said…
For Trinity: she needs not fear the pedestal. Neo will be there to catch her should she fall....His word is his bond. Promises are for lesser souls who are unable, or willing, to keep their word

Hero or a God? Easy. Both are revered. It is the hero who never has any choice.

"I was about half in love with her by the time we sat down. That's the thing about girls. Every time they do something pretty... you fall half in love with them, and then you never know where the hell you are."
~J. D. Salinger

We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.
~George Bernard Shaw
Anonymous said…
Regarding Neo: the hacker relies on trust through authentication. It is 'trust' that gives him 'root' and makes him King. He probes the matrix looking for and assessing that trust and in return it's acknowledgement...the syn/ack...binary and pure. A secret dance out of view. Where the two become the "one". Without it there can be no penetration of the matrix. He is simply left locked out...behind the firewalls close...staring out across the chasms at the gateway of despair
dharmabum said…
good to hear this. maybe someday, i shall learn from you too, please?

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