The Chinese Astrologer

"Too much water,
Tch Tch, too little fire,"
she shook her head and said.
I tried to understand what she was saying,
and remembered about the elements.
"You need balance of all, you see.
You got too much water, too wayward flowing,
like river out of control.
Too much tears, too much desire.
Right no?"
I nodded and agreed.
The fire was lost by the earth and the water,
The water was all engulfing and crazy.
I always carried the rain with me,
wherever I went.
That was years ago.
I paid heed to her words,
and built a dam for the river,
harnessed it well to grow my trees,
and on the bank, I summoned a roaring fire.
But one day, the fire burnt the trees,
and the tamed and tied river
couldn't save them then.
The dam is still there,
strong grey walls,
the river hides,
the seeds and embers
floating at the bottom,
waiting for a storm,
that will drive them upwards,
towards the open light.


How do we know said…
i love you, and i love this poem~! truly, absolutely adored this.
A Arora said…
how: thank u so much dear :)

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