An obsessive compulsive's diary of consistency

Do you ever feel as if each week repeats itself in the same manner? Almost like the movie 'Groundhog Day'. The point there was to relive the day till you realise the mistakes you make and get it right. The point of my week-month mundane trip is...well I don't know...

I make minimal attempts to change the pattern because, really when I do, it feels like a waste of time, and I don't really seem to enjoy meeting friends and blowing money on booze and the same endless conversations about movies, cricket and extra terrestial life. This is how it goes:

Monday: Get up at 7.30, put on the radio. Reach work early. Leave early. Watch The OC at 10 p.m. Sleep at 12.

Tuesday: Get up at 8.30, put on the radio, cook lunch, have breakfast and read newspaper, water plants. Reach work late, leave late. Sleep at 1.

Wednesday: Get up at 8.30, put on the radio, cook lunch, have breakfast and read newspaper, water plants. Reach work late, leave late. Sleep at 1.

Thursday: Get up at 8.30, put on the radio, cook lunch, have breakfast and read newspaper, water plants. Reach work late, leave late. Sleep at 1.

Friday: Get up at 8.30, put on the radio, cook lunch, have breakfast and read newspaper, water plants. Reach work late, leave late. Sleep at 1.

Saturday: Get up at 11, have breakfast and read newspaper, water plants, clean the house, do the laundry, do grocery shopping, read. Sleep at 2.

Sunday: Get up at 11, have breakfast and read newspaper, water plants, watch TV all day, meet parents in the evening for dinner. Sleep at 12.

This has been going for a year and a half now. In between, the only excitement in my life is to pay the bills before time and to fight with auto rickshaw drivers, construction workers, garbage collectors and irritating people in my life who keep telling me I'm either becoming 'fat' or 'old'.

Relatives are best kept at bay, and I avoid them like the plague. Friends are few, and have lives that revolve around the same routines. Just like me, they too are afraid to break the pattern.

I just scrolled up and read what I wrote. Seems like my life sucks. Actually, comparing it with the life I have lead before (read soap operaish), this seems like the way one should actually live.

I guess my life is like a line. Some others live in a circle, a triangle, a square, or even a crazy hexagon.

What's the geometry of your life?


Anonymous said…
I have decided to live life between dreams of the next crazy trip that I would be doing somewhere.. Its the only excitement left in life. :)

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

I am sure you must have heard that quote before, but then its easier said than done.

By the way, I love that film!
dharmabum said…
mine is a squiggle probably. not much geometry or symmetry or anything in it. no idea where it leads, and before i realise the trail is erased to form a newer pattern.

is there really a way one 'should' live? am glad u cook lunch, its healing. and what more - i might come knocking at your doorsteps someday, hungry. you don't turn away hungry bums do you? :)
Varun said…
Great reflections.. mine HAS to be a spiral.. an unending spiral, to be more precise. I seem to be heading towards a center, but never actually reaching it!

Groundhog Day is a surreal film for me.
A Arora said…
jay: ur right. i highly regret being a line at present. just don't know what to do to change this...every time i try, i fall flat on my face...

dharma: no, i don't turn hungry bums away. in fact, i love to feed them. just some chopping of stuff from their end can be a welcome contribution. squiggle is good...sounds like fun

varun: spiral sounds scary. how abt u push it up a bit n gain a lil momentum..concentric circles wld be nice..
How do we know said…
Life's like that.. it is in the small things, the really small things that life really comes by.. at least to me.. but that was not really ur point, was it?
dharmabum said…
ah! thats nice. u like feeding ppl, and i like to eat :)

oh, and yes - i can do the chopping, and quite well too. not to mention the cleaning after the meal - that'll be on me too!

how have u been?

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