A Decade Later



It's finally over, my turbulent 20s. I don't think anyone would be so happy to turn 30, but I am. Finally! It's amazing how everyone believes that the teenage years are the most difficult. They are not. It's the 20s, that time of uncertainty and changes, that is. No one warns you about it, and most people just go around questioning their identities, their goals and their feelings during this time, and getting depressed or drugged out over it.
Luckily for me, my sister, three years ahead of me, put down the warning sign. 'It's going to be very difficult, but after 27-28, it'll get easier." I have some young friends who are in that group now, and I try to be patient with them, tell them it's okay to feel confused, it's okay to not know what you want...
It was difficult. I don't know how many times I have redefined who I was in the last ten years. I went from being a virgin to a wife to a divorcee by 25; and from a student to a journalist to a jobless loser to a wanabe GRE scorer to a corporate yuppie by 30; from skinny and anorexic to landing up in hospital for bad eating habits to eating green food and being 'plump' (sic) now.
Thirty may be just another number, but it feels like the lazy shores of a sun kissed beach after wading through a tumultous mid ocean whirlpool.
I welcomed it well, with my closest friends. There was no getting pissed drunk, or hiding in the house not meeting people, or getting the birthday blues over some jerk not calling you. It was cool, sassy and confident. Some laughter, some nostalgia, some dreams, some dancing, some food, lots of hugs and lots of optimism.
From Retro and hip hop at the Shack to a close shave lovely post midnight dinner at Out of the Blue, I think this turned out to be just perfect. Did I add that I received some wonderful gifts? Archie, your flowers made my morning, and Neo, if you're reading this, your thoughtful gestures from continents away always keep me astonished. This was the first time I got cake smashed on my face as well. Funnily, it felt liberating.
As for the future, it will be wonderful. There's a certain promise in the air. Or maybe it's the smell of wisdom. Either way, it feels great...and I only have experience to thank for it.


Anonymous said…
so i guess afterall it aint that bad.... And i do agree with you about the 20s being the most difficult.. I am yet to see the fag end of the 20s, but i have a bad feeling abt it...
Mampi said…
I didnt enjoy my 20s as much as I am enjoying my 30s. The day I turned 30, I was suddenly euphoric. Somehow I was waiting to turn 30.
Mampi said…
Happy Birthday.
Have rocking 30s.
Unknown said…
Really glad that you had a wonderful day. Wishing you a wonderful and beautiful years to come. Lots of love.
LeeB said…

Anonymous said…
Interesting-for me it seems very far away now...but I am happy that you envsion a bright future for you ahead! best wishes...
Anonymous said…
ur treat is still pending !!! grr
A Arora said…
drumster: why do u have a bad feeling abt it?

mampi: so was i. thanks...it feels great...

archie: muahh

leeb: interesting? thats not even a comment!

mithe: thanks dear

AT: saala, phone kar..
Madhuri Shinde said…
Yes, I agree it feels great turning 30...a sort of liberation...an entry to a new phase...and offcourse, wisdom, from all that is gulped by the 20s, knocks at this threshold.

I am happy for you. Best Wishes...
LeeB said…
does it always have to be ;-)
Warriorpoet said…
Happy Birthday A.A.!!er..A.S. I mean.

And a few more Irish toasts then for you:

May you live to be 100 years, with one extra year to repent.
We drink to your coffin. May it be built from the wood of a hundred year old oak tree that I shall plant tomorrow.

May God grant you many years to live, for sure he must be knowing, the earth has angels all too few and heaven is overflowing...

May the doctor never earn a pound out of you.

May the good Lord take a liking to you...
But not too soon!

May you die in bed at 95, shot by a jealous spouse ;o)

I am thankful I got to be even a small "part" in your celebration my dear friend. Hmmm..kinda of like a latter day Debutante only as a woman with a more refined view now..a renaissance most definitely. To experience a "Renaistre" is beautiful in all aspects including it's pain (we just don't think so while it's happening). And after such of course come the Enlightment ;o) Truly a much better place to "view" it all.

Hope your Holidays are great dear!

'Go mbeire muid beo ar an am seo arís!'
(May we be alive at this time next year!)

'Athbhliain faoi mhaise duit!'
(A prosperous New Year!)

Anonymous said…
Happy New Year!!!
Manish Raj said…
Hi Aurora

Belated Happy Birthday.

One day I read many of your older posts and I liked them as always...

Your intensity hasn't change. Do you still contradict yourself ?

Wish you happiness in the new year..every year..
A Arora said…
maddy: thank u darling. best wishes for ur bright future this yr too. hugs.

leeb: no. but once in a while, one needs to have something to say...

neo: buíochas :)

mystic sight: happy new year to you too. welcome to my blog...

manish: thanks. my intensity is more controlled now. it's very much there though, so are the contradictions...
Anonymous said…
true. many live their twenties as if it were their fifties. then, when they touch sixty, they tear through their made up womb and are young once again.
How do we know said…
u dont look plump to me!

and loved this post.. happy birthday.. belated! :-)

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