That Time Again!

It's December again, the season to be jolly, and I'm feeling like bouncing down the stairs (bad analogy and a very a pain inducing one too). But seriously, how did they ever come up with a wonderful month like December and follow it up with drab January? Just like they decided Sunday will be followed by Monday? That's irrelevant though. I'm just happy that it's December and I made the first big purchase of the season by buying a birthday dress. I know this is going to be an expensive month, as I plan to take the girls out partying.

Yes, you read it right. 'The girls'. Since I'm turning 30, this is going to be an all girls party. Absoultely no men invited. And only women who form a part of my cherished inner circle. I never realised there could be such a thing as an inner circle. My ex bf, D, used to use those words quite often, and I guess I picked it up. But it's only now I realise who belongs to my inner circle and who doesn't.

And more pleasant surprises in store. My best friend of chaddi and pigtail years is coming down from the States and will be here for my birthday. What more could I ask for to make this month special?

I still have no new year plans, but I'll make sure that I do something fun. I've seriously started believing that whatever you do on New Year's Eve, you do for the whole year. Last year, I was at work till 10.30 and then went home and slept. And I kid you not, that's exactly what I've been doing the whole of 2008. So, be careful what you do people. It'll follow you around for 12 months. If not making something more than pasta ;) I at least hope to be near friends and loved ones this time.

On another off the tangent note, I read an article on how the Japanese have created a chip that can record your dreams and play them like a movie. I say Hurrah to this. Watching my action oriented, future predicting dreams would be fun. And at least people would know I don't make up half the shit that I say. On the flipside, if someone got access to your dreams, it would be like baring your mind and soul to them.

Dreaming December. I'm dreaming of a dreaming December, since I would be retarded to dream of a white one where I live right now. But who knows what dreams Decembers have in store for me?

What are you dreaming of?


Mampi said…
But I love January, it feels so sad when January ends. Though I love February and March too.
And yes, The inner circle does exist. I have mine and I keep making alterations in it.
Anonymous said…
Aurora don't you want to keep the interest in your life alive? If you know your future beforehand, the very variety of life will be lost no?Anyways-hope this time you party hard and keep on partying for the rest of the the way, you have been awarded.For details,visit my blog:-)
LeeB said…
No men huh?

I wonder what I will be doing if you went away with your cherished inner circle [assuming it has something to do with me ;-)].

Well, I must brace myself for a lonely 2009. WTF... I will have fun anyway.
A Arora said…
mampi: jan and feb r ok, just not as nice as december :p

mithe: thanks for the award :)

leeb: sorry, but that's the plan...u can do without ur better half while she's having fun with me, and be happy for her and me ;)
Anonymous said…
a very happy birthday to one
who weaves words so beautifully
touching so many people
deep in their heart
LeeB said…
Hey there...

Heard the Budday party was a rocker...

Happy birth day once again...

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