Two Can...

I may be blowing conch shells,
writing your name with mine,
choosing the place
where we would get married.
I may write words of flattery,
create swords of despair,
wipe away continents of diagrams,
as I smile from ear to ear,
walk on toe to toe, as you lift me up
with one finger,
and you watch how I imagine
flying my days into a starry future.
I also listen to words never said,
I know the vanity and the mischief
in playing that game where you always win
I understand that game very well,
So I'll let you believe you're winning.
I feel the boredom of the finger
that plays a new theme every day.
I smile at your followers,
each trying to open the rigid, rusty box,
the one without a key, only a hidden button
I'll build that dream for you,
and before you shatter mine,
I'll remind you that yours
is just as real as the water crashing
on your window sill every time,
the puddles seeping and building through
latches promised to be trustfully airtight.


Anonymous said…
The last lines were the best Aurora-they were the essence of teh poem:)
Anonymous said…
Awesome I am impressed by your talent.Keep on blogging.
A Arora said…
mithe: i usually try to keep the essence for last..its a give away tactice, but it suits me best...

anon: i'm glad to leave an impression on u :)

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