The Broken Coin

I told old man saint to leave her,
she was no good for him.
I told young boy brat to go back to her,
she was the one who taught him to love.
Before old man saint could leave her, she left him,
she didn't think she was any good for him.
Young boy brat didn't go back,
He said she taught him to hate.
Old man saint sunk deeper into sadness,
once more he had to search again.
Young boy brat shunned the sadness,
and looked to the future with bright eyes.
Old man saint wants to be happy and sad,
but he always wants others to be more happy.
Young boy brat wants to be happy,
and he will leave those like dirt that make him sad.
I love old man saint for what he is, but I wish
that he loved himself first.
I have loved young boy brat, hard wind in the pines,
but he only knew how to love himself.
What will become of the two?
Old man saint will continue loving others,
Young boy brat will always love himself first.
Unless situations change,
and like broken sides of the same coin,
the two come face to face with the worst
that their alter egos can bring.
Maybe then the coin will melt,
and form a better wholesome man
who knows that to love is to respect
and to respect is to love,
for the coin's essence
and the owner of its kindness
in possessing it,
and lovingly passing it on.


How do we know said…
If there is one blogger who deserves the Kreativ blogger award, it has to be u.
Brown Weed said…
"If you want a red rose," said the Tree, "you must build it out of music by moonlight, and stain it with your own heart's-blood. You must sing to me with your breast against a thorn. All night long you must sing to me, and the thorn must pierce your heart, and your life-blood must flow into my veins, and become mine."
archana shyam said…
Nice!! simple and men well explained!! :)
A Arora said…
@how: :) thanks..

@Mr bo: But rber what finally happened to the rose for which the nightingale died?

@Archie: It's actually 2 men explained. Think u know both of them :)
Manish Raj said…
Wow...Good one AS.
Shilpa Arora said…
oh gosh I love this one, simple ,direct and profound ..

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