I say Hello, You say Goodbye

Hello. How are you doing? I thought I'd call and check up on you.

Hi. I'm good. How about you?

Coping. Taking each day as it comes.

Yeah, we are all just taking a break.

Don't you ever wonder why I'm still always checking up on you?

I'm sorry if it seems that way.

Don't be sorry. We all have our debts to pay. Even though it should be the other way around. I seem to be doing a lot of that lately.

What do you mean?

I mean, I seem to be the one reaching out to people, not just you I mean, other people. I seem to be the one offering help, saying a kind word, bearing the brunt of indifference and yet again, reaching out.

Why do you do it? It must be because you care.

I suppose I do. I suppose it seems to me lately that people don't know how to reach out. I know everyone is alone, everyone is tired. I feel that now I know that I should be the one to give without asking for anything in return, even if means, harsh words, rejection, non chalance and hurt is all it brings.

Have you thought maybe, they don't need you? Or maybe you reach out to people who don't want your help?

It doesn't matter what they think. It doesn't matter if they think I'm needy or if it makes them question my intentions.

Then why do it?

It's because I know how it feels to be left alone. Days and nights alone. With no one to offer a kind word. When it feels like you're the only person left in the world.


I'm sorry for making you go through that.

Don't be. You taught me how to fill myself up. Even if I had no one to help me do that. I have enough to give. It's an endless source that I know how to replenish.

I'm glad we had this conversation. Thank you for checking up on me.

I'm glad you're okay. I'm always around. I'll always be around.

I know. I hope the people around you realise it too.

Take care. And stay safe.

(I hung up. With words that were never said. Until now) 


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