All things go


All things go,

Everything must pass.

It looks the same, but it isn't.

All things change,

Everything must last.

Tell me what you want,

And I will tell you how to find it.

Tell me what you fear,

And I will tell you to go embrace it.

Go pounce on your worst nightmare,

And like a cat, bite it's unruly neck.

Then shake it with your teeth,

Till you are sure it's dead.

Then go find that hidden dream,

The one that keeps you up at five a.m.,

You talk to it and say, 'No, it can't happen,

You see, some things aren't meant to be.'

And you lull yourself back to sleep,

Knowing when you wake up,

You will think it wasn't real.

But you are foolish to think

It will all go away; it won't

Till it sees you trying to find a way.

That disdain you feel for life,

That's change attempting to get in.

It can come as a drizzle or a gust,

In any case, it will find its way in.

We are not the same people 

We were an year ago. We change, 

We fight and accept, we grow.

The old patterns don't work, 

The town has changed its name.

It's a different crowd with mature aspirations,

They don't want wild parties, they'd rather

Have friendly barbeques instead.

So hop on the open wagon,

And tell me your real name, what you love,

What you hate, who hurt you years ago,

Who's the one person you look up to,

Who would you like to be when you're old?

I would like to know every detail.

And then if you feel comfortable,

I can show you my tears hidden under my pillow,

I can try to make you understand what's in my head.

All things go,

Everything must pass.

Everything must stay.

Everything must find a beginning.

Everything must find a way.


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