Bobby McGee


I rushed to pick up the phone when it rang. When he called, it always sounded different. A trrriiing trrrring ta da trrriing trrrring rather than a tring tring.

"Hi jaan," I smiled while talking.

"Hi baby. You knew it was me again?"

"I always know it's you. I hear your voice in my head, saying, I'm thinking of you, I'm missing you."

"I hear your voice too. All the time. Like I felt a pain in my little toe and I knew it was you."

"Yeah, I stubbed my toe five minutes ago. We are like twins."

"No, soulmates."

"Yes, soulmates."

"Achcha listen, go to uncle's house. I've sent a parcel for you."

"Okay, I will go in the evening. He's not there at this time."

"He's there. Go now. It's urgent. I have sent something special for you."

"Why do you keep wasting money? You know we both are jobless right now. And I have only 800 rupees left in my account, thanks to all the STD calls."

"It will all change. I promise. Now go. Use the key he gave you."

I wore my flip flops and didn't bother to change my faded skirt.

When I turned the key in the lock, I had a strange feeling, as if I was opening a portal, one that would transport me to the future. I shrugged it aside.

The house was dark. There was a dim light in the bedroom. I walked timidly towards the light.

When my eyes could make sense of the outline, I saw a figure hiding. It came towards the night lamp.

I shrieked and ran towards it. He picked me up and held me tight. He wasn't wearing a shirt, just his old faded jeans.

We were both crying. He kept saying, I'm here, I'm here.

He wiped my tears and kissed me. Again and again. Desperate, long kisses. Almost as if he was scared we would be pulled apart soon.

We made love. Once, then stopped, then again, then stopped, then again. It was the perfect union, mind, body and soul. If love is the best thing in the world, then it's the only thing that's enough. He was enough. When I died, I wanted to die in his arms. 

He held my hand in his, cupped like a little bird, like he always did.

"I'm going to find a job here. This room is my new home now."

"How much more happy are you going to make me today? I feel my heart will tear open because it can't take so much love.'

"I will always tear your heart open with love. Even when you are old and don't love me anymore."

"I will always love you. Even when I don't, I will love you."

"Did you see the coloured lights I put up?"

"I love them. You know that."

"I love them too. They remind me of freedom and love."

"We are alike. You and me. But can one be free in love?"

"One is the freest in love. Because love doesn't hold you back. By the way, now for the real gift."

"I don't want anything else now. I have you."

"But baby, you and me, what do we need to make us happy?"

"Books and music. You got me a book?"

He opened a box and showed it to me. It was a blue boombox with two cassette players and one cd player. On top were our intials with a heart in between. 

"It's lovely. Must be very expensive?"

"It was. Two thousand rupees."

"Oh my. We should be more careful with our money. But thank you, I love it. And it's blue!"

"Your favourite colour. Let's put on some music."

He opened his big iron army suitcase and took out Bruce Springsteen.

The first song that played was 'Dancing in the Dark'.

"Let's dance baby!"

He pulled my hand.

"But we are naked. And there are no curtains here. What if someone sees us?"

"Let them. We don't care."

I laughed. We jumped on the bed, dancing. Two naked people. A boy and a girl. Free and in love.

It was dark outside. It had started raining heavily. We made love again. I put my head on his chest, his tall, thin body becoming one with mine. And we slept.


"I had a dream about you again. We were both running to catch a train. Hope you are doing well. How's your wife?"

"All good. She's fine. How are the husband and kids? Did we catch it?"

"Yeah all good. Yes, we caught the train."

"You have a cold?"

"Yes. You too?"


"Take care."

"You too."

Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose. Me and my Bobby McGee. My BobbyMcGee...


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