
Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.

- Roald Dahl 

It's been a magical sort of day today. Spring is in the air, and even though I hate the blazing sun and how it hurts my already troubled eyes, I couldn't help smiling at everything around me today. People sometimes look at me as if I am nuts. I am not. I just get easily overwhelmed by sights and sounds around me. And there is so much to see!

The golden shower of dried leaves as they fall on your head, the green shoots coming up in the ground, the yellow buds of cassia as they get ready to bring fresh life, butterflies hovering in pairs, all set for the dance of procreation with their mates, pink flowers, purple flowers, honeybees falling flat on their faces like drunken fools, birds, thirsty cats, hyperactive jumpy dogs.

 If I could only be like them, so aware, so in the moment. There are times I just sit down on the pavement and soak it all in. I could sit for hours and hours just watching life continue around me. Be still and just watch.

It's all magic. Magic isn't anything out of the ordinary. Magic is watching the garden sprinkler spray water on the trees, and that special moment when the sun will hit the water, making the rainbow sparkles and patiently waiting for it to happen (pic).

Magic is setting your shower to a jet stream and letting it hit the top of your head and pretending you are under a waterfall. Magic is listening to the sound of a lawn mower and imagining you are next to the sea with the waves lashing outside your cottage door on a breezy moonlit night.

I often get asked by my family. What do you do downstairs for so long? I marvel at the beauty of things! Where I grew up, we knew how to prepare for the changing seasons, what flowers would bloom, when snakes would mate, how to make garlands out of gulmohars, how a henna plant smells, when the tamarind tree bears fruit or how a mango tree smells in May. I can't help but not be affected by these things.

What do you do when you're alone? I think, endlessly. I live in other worlds, I talk to people I have never met, I hear words never said and can smell people even if they are not around me. Crazy much? Maybe. Disillusioned with life? Never.

Do I avoid people because they lack magic? Not at all. Everyone has a special magic. You may not see your magic, but others do. The problem happens when people start mixing up their logical and intuitive minds. It can never work. 

For example, you meet someone and you feel they don't like you. But they are awful sweet to you on the face. If your intuition tells you something is off, you better listen to it. The same with love. Put your logical brain aside and just pick up on pure energy. All the answers you need about people are there. Intentions never lie. Actions do.

Magic like nature is cyclical. It ebbs and flows, dies and is reborn, like a circle, forever meeting back at the same place, like a heart, hurt and healed. Magic can't be defined, can't be measured, can't be proven to be anything out of the ordinary. Something could be magical for you, I may not see it that way. It doesn't change a thing. It's pure and it's only purpose is to make you see things differently and question the acceptability of things.

When was the last time you felt magic? All it takes is opening up your mind. The world is a magical place, and so are we. Dust in the wind or glitter in the door of the portal. It all depends on how we look at it.

And if you were to ask me
After all that we've been through
"Still believe in magic?"
Oh, yes, I do.

- Coldplay


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