Tree of Fire


I reached the gates of Hell, 

And I called out her name. 

They told me she wasn't there. 

I crossed over to the Heavens,

And looked amongst the angels. 

Her voice untraceable in their songs. 

Under the seas, where I once lay

Amongst the seaweed and her hair,

I searched over the bridges and currents, 

To find her footprints now washed away. 

Where did you go my one true love? 

How do I reach you to make amends? 

I found her dancing barefeet

In the Tree of Fire, her eyes ablaze

With pain and desire, her arms burnt

Fighting the flames, she did not stop

Dancing. She was yellow and blue,

Orange and red, green and black. 

Ash and ember, night and dawn. 

I did not think, I did not flinch. 

I jumped to meet her, I joined her there. 

And in the fire I was finally purged, 

And in the brightness, we became one. 

My dancing lady and I the dragon. 

We showered sparks on the ground. 

The Tree roared to Life in the night. 

And everyone watched us, spellbound. 

(I am fascinated by the elements, and the worlds they hold inside them, whether it's a tree, or a pond or even a cloud. I had taken a photo of a bonfire that has been haunting me for a  while. Today, I decided to paint my interpretation of the fire. And the world I saw in it.) 


How do we know said…
wow! Loved this one.
A Arora said…
How: Trying to find inspiration in the mundane these days. There is a lot I've lately missed out on because I was too much in my head.

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