This is how you heal a heart...

This is how you

Break a heart. 

Keep it outside, 

Your door. 

For wild animals

To tear it apart. 

Perch it on swings, 

Free, fun and wobbly. 

Loan it like a book,

To find it returned, 

Tattered, wet and smudged. 

Boast about its worth, 

In a dangerous, smoky bar, 

To find it stolen, 

When you step away

For an unexpected second. 

Gift it to a stranger, 

Hoping they would, 

Give you something

In return, because you

Have always been deserving. 

Wait with it

At the bus stop, 

Knowing very well, 

Nothing is coming

On this route

Ever again. 

This is how you

Heal a heart. 

Bandage it

Like a bleeding wound, 

And give it time

For new skin

To grow over the old. 

Wrap it delicately, 

As if it were

A little bird

In your calloused hands. 

Do not add too many layers, 

Just because you

Feel it's shivering away. 

Sing to it a lullaby, 

Comforting words, 

For an anxious child. 

Wrap it up 

In bubble wrap, 

A vintage wine, 

Meant only to be shared

With real friends

On special occasions. 

Take it outside

In the sun and rain. 

Let it marvel

At God's beauty

Of wonderful creation. 

Hold it at night, 

Say, I Love You. 

I Treasure You. 

Sleep listening

To its peaceful sounds, 

And wake up together, 

With breakfast hope

And exciting dinner plans. 

This is how 

You heal a heart. 

This is how, 

You learn

To love again. 


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