Happy Endings

Don't wake up, 

Just yet. 

Let's say our sleepy

Good Mornings. 

Let me touch 

Your eye lashes. 

My hand inside

Your shirt

Just to hear 

That heartbeat

I've been hearing

In my dreams

For so many years now. 

Let me breathe 

Behind your neck, 

Find my missing warmth

Under your ears. 

Like a cat, 

I will purr

On your weaknesses, 

Claw at your tired eyes. 

I know you are tired, baby, 

I won't ask for much. 

You can pretend to sleep, 

Let my fingers 

Go downtown, 

Where the music plays, 

And the people dance. 

Curl around a counter, 

And dig my toes in. 

Let me cover your

Silences with my sounds, 

Low pitch, high pitch, 

Blues, rock and hip hop. 

Let me swing around

In abandon as you watch

Me from a corner

Of the bar, the tequila

Wet on your lips, 

Touching my lips,

Our tongues meeting

Halfway, but never really 

Finding a common ground. 

Let me hear you moan, 

As you finally exhaust yourself, 

And decide to come sit down. 

Over spilled drinks

Over early morning highs, 

Let me wake you up

Every day like this. 

I know you will 

Open your eyes

To find I'm not around. 

I'll see you tonight

I'll see you in the morning. 

Whenever you call me, 

I'll be there. 

Whenever you want me, 

I'll want you too. 

All you have to do

Is ask me once. 

Just once, ask me once, 

And I'll never turn away

From you ever again. 

(Inspiration: A Groovy Kind of Love, Phil Collins) 


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