
Looking for inspiration
Under the harsh sun
Tracing the shades of trees. 
Beneath wet stones
Ant hills and yellow leaves. 
I was hoping 
The words would find me, 
Knock at my door, 
Ask me how I've been. 
I've been told
I live in an alternate reality, 
That I need to start living here. 
But how can I help it? 
Reality doesn't have you, 
Holding my hand
Touching my lips, 
With your fingers, 
As you shush me up
And ask me to just listen. 
For once, stop talking 
Listen to what I say now. 
I don't want reality, 
I just want this world
Where I can be anything
I choose to be. 
A sage, a fighter, 
Mistress of vices, 
Whore of Babylon
Washerwoman of your dreams. 
I could wash your hair, 
While you quietly hum. 
Feed you buttercups
Or dandelions
Till you are delirious and numb. 
We could walk by the warm river
Dip our toes in the sounds
Of mockingbirds and koyals
Till we sink to the ground. 
You would sink into my flesh
While I would float above. 
In the sky, like a wet dream
Squirming, gasping for air in the clouds. 
There I would find my words, 
I would hurriedly bring them down. 
See, what you made me find, my love, 
See, what your thoughts can do. 
I would etch them on the river banks, 
Then ask you to read them out. 
You would hide behind the rocks
And read them aloud so impatiently. 
Really, did I really help you find them? 
I would not answer, just shrug my shoulders. 
You must never know what you do to me. 
But you do know, you know. 
And I do know what my words do to you. 
We are forever indebted to each other. 
The poet and her muse, 
The warrior and his sword. 
I find myself in you, 
You find yourself in me. 
Our eyes never meeting, 
Except in unending dreams
That feel so real when we wake up. 
An alternate reality
I never want to leave. 
I'm so happy here with you, 
I never want to leave. 
I've never been so happy
In any other reality. 
I've never been more me, 
Than I am right now here. 
With you letting me be
Anyone I choose to be. 


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