

I want to see you again, 

The way a branch 

Anticipates the wind. 

Furiously holding on, 

First to be rattled 

By the one it mistrusts, 

Relentless battling

With arms and thorns, 

Words and complaints. 

How dare you break me each time? 

Wanting you, but not bending, 

While you persistently, 

Keep pushing to make me believe, 

I am not your enemy, 

I am not the one you must fight. 

Tears, old bark, salty leaves, 

Struggling to deny their realness. 

Giving up the unworthy fight, 

Thrashing stones, walls, 

Breaking dust, water, 

Till all of the desire subsides. 

Resisting again, 

Submitting again. 

Odd hours of working days, 

Midnight callings, restless daze, 

In cold cloud and harsh sun. 

Till there's nothing

Left to reject, dispel, 

Accept, regret, admit. 

Silently swaying tender arms, 

A gentle song of tired bodies

Under a peaceful moon, 

Leaves falling on bosoms, 

Like lost kisses on sleepy faces. 

I want to see you, again. 

I want you, to see me too. 

Eyes within eyes, 

Over a dark green grassy bed, 

Burning to embrace me,

Like desperate wind

To an unyielding branch, 

Uninvited and unexplained. 



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