Heads or Tails?

Did you ever create a mask to hide from the world? Did it ever become so powerful that it took over you? Did it elude you from real love, or loving yourself? It does that to me.

I created my alter ego when I was broken and bruised. I did it because I didn't want the world to see how vulnerable I was. It was strong, it was free, and morever it was interesting. Years have passed and it has seeped into me. Yes, I know everyone has masks, everyone hides something. But frankly speaking, now I'm scared. The layers are difficult to peel, and I hear it laughing as I violently try to jerk it off. It won't go, it's grown on my face. If I tear it off, the bruises will be more than before, and the world will laugh again.

I'm not crazy. Beneath my mask, I'm clear headed and practical, spiritual and real, homely and dreamy. But they can't see that. My mask brings people to me, people who are enthralled by negativity and darkness. They come, and when I slowly reveal myself, they are disappointed. What? The freak is a woman, the freak cries, the freak cares, the freak feels?

Remember Gollum from LOTR? Remember what happens to him? Personally, I didn't laugh when he came onscreen, I cried. Because I understood his pain, his trauma over fighting against two people, both his own.

I'm learning the signs now. The mask is active in front of people, it entertains and demands attention. I know how to kill it, by depriving it of people. In solitude, it'll die its death. In loneliness, I will return.

I'm trying even though I know it'll weaken me. I'm writing the most honest lines I've ever written...


Anonymous said…
if smeagol and deagol hadn't found the ring in the river, not much would have changed for them. that was a bit of destiny thingy. gollum, like frodo had a chance to resist giving in to temptation.

that doesnt *seem* to apply here.

in depriving the mask, will the self suffer?

open-ness is not necessarily akin to weakness, when that mask comes off, you will know.
A Arora said…
the mask was a destiny thing for me as well. i had no choice but to bring it on. in depriving the mask, the wearer will suffer initially. i know openness is not akin to weakness. but naivity is. without the mask, the wearer is reduced to that. but one must open all bandages sooner or later, or else one will never know if one has healed or not. the mask has its plus points, it makes me strong. but it takes away all that is pure and good...
jugni said…
i always thought alter-egos are important. that they help us survive somehow. i can't even begin to imagine what happens when they go horribly wrong! and they will eventually.

the self is such a fluid concept. are you sure that the mask you wear is a disguise? maybe it's an attempt to express the "self" you never subconsciously accepted or approved of? maybe what u think is the self, is really the alter-ego?

i'm just thinking aloud. people are drawn to what they don't see i think. not what's on the surface, whats visible. they'll come looking for you. :)
A Arora said…
Blow: Ur words have so much meaning. I've been wondering abt the real self too. After all, the way I see it, our selves are only products of conditioning and circumstances. The mask is a part of me too, and I can't get rid of it completely...I think the trick lies in toning down both or the many selves, bringing them closer, balancing them. Easier said than done. How would you introduce two very different families and let them enjoy a healthy conversation over tea? they don't see eye to eye, but for my sake, they'll sooner or later have to..
thanks a lot for ur words...
How do we know said…
when i faced that dilemma, these lines came to help. they just might help you.

From my friend: "Do you realise that there is a difference between being strong on the inside, and building a strong wall around yourself?"
- This is the most important rebuke I have heard in my whole life.

From Anne Frank: "I am a bundle of contradictions."
-Such a simple line, and once i accepted this one truth, accepting all the other things abt self became that much simpler.

While I am in this mode, to connect to ur message here, 2 families don't have to like each other. They just have to tolerate each other at tea *-* :-)
A Arora said…
How: There's no problem with forget two, but even all of them sitting down at tea and 'tolerating' each other. The problem arises where one turns nasty and constantly bullies the others, and they in fact are so afraid of it, they sit quietly and suffer, thinking they're probably not good enough...
thats the reason..this lil thing i created got too big for its boots...
How do we know said…
umm.. i have gone through that situation once, and to top it, the bullying family also came back and accused the other family of being "misbehaved".. LOL!

I don't know if the same parallel applies here, so will not comment on what happened after that. the cirsumstances in which the 2 families are meeting can make a lot of difference, and that example might be totally irrelevant.
Anonymous said…
Dont kill the mask, it doubles as a shield.
phish said…
i had to build mine almost a decade back when i first left home. and it has only got more layered since.

and with each year in the big city, it digs a little deeper into the real face. the real me. sometimes the innumerable lies i have told feel real.

but i wouldn't worry so much. it is but for a reason. i am glad you are writing this, as you are aware of that person still. grappling inside. but alive.

and all it takes is the right person. when the mask falls apart.

till then wear it. enjoy it, even.

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